In this World, not from this World
Armin Heining
Graduate Theologian, Pedagogue

Events, seminars, training and education

Armin Experience Knowledge and Competence

His studies of Catholic Theology (degree: Diploma 1986) with various practical testimonies, e. g. in “Pastoral Counseling”; (conversation according to Carl Rogers) already testifies to his deep desire for successful relationships in a harmonious environment. His intensive devotion to Christian mysticism and contemplation, to Zen meditation as well as to the Eastern Church’s prayer of the heart, accompanied by analytical psychotherapy according to C. G. Jung (body and dream work, figures with colors and clay) gave Armin experience knowledge and already at that time, competence to lead to weekends and longer retreats.

Diploma Thesis in Pastoral Psychology

He wrote his diploma thesis in pastoral psychology on the topic “Growing to salvation – Way of the Experience of God – updated in Dance Meditation”. In 1990 he turned to Margot Anand and the SkyDancing Tantra developed by her and became an authorized teacher.

Logo Armin Heining

Armin Heining International

Immersing Meditation and Coaching

Already in 1992 I founded my own institute and in the 112 verses of the Vijnanabhairava and in the ‘Mahamudra‘ I discovered the discipline of contemplation in the tradition of Tantra. With my retreats ‘Mahamudra – Awakening in Silence‘ I guide all interested people in turning towards their essence, no matter if beginner or advanced.
And in the 1:1 or 2:1 coaching it is my greatest ambition that you can push your own development, heal your own wounds from the past and the present, gain clarity to step courageously into your future.

Be a Part of my Exiting Life

I was able to publish my grippingly written and unembellished autobiography in 2020 in my first own book: ‘Silence, Ecstasy, Happiness – How I learned to Meditate as a Monk and Discovered Spiritual Tantra’ (Verlag Tredition, Hamburg), 2023 the English translation ‘Silence, Ecstasy, Happiness – How I learned to Meditate as a Monk and Discovered Spiritual Tantra’ (Amazon, Publishing PROS).

Signet von GAY-TANTRA

GAY-TANTRA® – for everyone who identifies as a man

GAY-TANTRA® Combines Modern Techniques

Out of my own affection and deep desire, I founded GAY-TANTRA in 1992 as a modern approach to an ancient spiritual path. In doing so, GAY-TANTRA® combines modern techniques such as psychology, bioenergetics, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), visualization and effective communication skills with meditation, sacred ritual, sexual magic, massage and other practices.

Heart of GAY-TANTRA®: ‘Training in Lust, Love & Ecstasy’

The heart of my work as a personality trainer and coach is the year long ‘Training in Lust, Love & Ecstasy’ (33 seminar days in 6 modules). It promotes a holistic personal development, heals restrictive thinking and injuries of the past, increases being present and the ability to experience and connect sexuality, closeness & intimacy with love, true contact & spirituality.

With my GAY-TANTRA® job-trainings to become a Tantra Masseur (certified), Tantra-Energy Masseur (certified) or Tantra-Ecstasy Masseur (certified) I offer everyone a professional deepening of their passion.

I teach to consciously choose what brings joy and pleasure – this opens the door to a deeper connection with spirit and a greater sense of aliveness and well-being.

Films for Sexual and Spiritual Education

Between 2010 and 2014, I was honored to release eleven GAY-TANTRA Educational and Teaching DVDs in  German and English , nine of them also in French. These are today the most widely distributed films when it comes to education and guidance in same sex sexuality.