Armin Karl Ludwig Heining - International Coach & Trainer

Armin Heining

. . . began its path of unprecedented transformation in 1960 in the small town of Cham/Upper Palatinate. Out of conviction, he entered the Benedictine Monastery in Metten/Lower Bavaria at the age of twenty. Already during his theological studies in Würzburg, he devoted himself to different paths of immersion. Guided by renowned teachers, he practiced the Jesus Prayer, christian contemplation, and Zen meditation. The accompanying psychotherapeutic healing of inner conflicts led to irreconcilable differences with his traditional monastic community: Brother Christoph OSB was repeatedly refused ordination to the priesthood. In deep quarrels with himself, he understood his dilemma as a mirror of his own inner conflicts. Thus, with a clear mind, an mutual agreement was finally reached: With the approval of his abbot and the Roman authorities, Brother Christoph left his monastic community in 1990, purified.

Like a phoenix from the ashes

. . . the former monk gave his life a new direction. He was free to fathom what had been moving him for a long time: Is there a connection between spirituality and sexuality? »Does my sexuality match my spirituality?«; In the tradition of Tantra Armin Heining found long-awaited answers and new inspiration. He trained as an authorized Tantra teacher and founded his own institute – GAY-TANTRA – in 1992. Following his inclination, he inspired men of all kinds. While his professional activities grew steadily over more than two decades, he reached his private limits. In 2015, a simple April Fool’s joke finally showed him what self-deception he had been in for years, living like in a ›gay box‹. In his characteristic authenticity, Armin Heining speaks quite openly of ›boiling rage and despair‹ in the face of this self-knowledge.

In intensive self-reflection processes

. . . Armin Heining managed to overcome anger and hopelessness once again. By learning to look even deeper into the life he created himself, he gained compassion towards former teachers and models. He had learned and adopted their ways of thinking and acting. For him, however, they have lost validity over time. In reconciliation with his past, he freed himself from his attachment to the self-constructed, frozen structures.

For all people,

. . . regardless of age, origin, role, and gender, Armin Karl Ludwig Heining wishes for similarly happy transformation experiences. The theologian and pedagogue would like to support you on the way to a turning point in your life and beyond. His own experiences on the path of transformation, the manifold methods and tools he got to know on his life journey can also help you to find yourself in today’s quickly changing times. As an international Coach & Trainer he is availble for you online and on site (see his section: Coaching for your own further developement)