Support Armin’s Work and Engagement with Your Donation

Financial Appreciation

Only through your donation can I, Armin, step out of the niche into the general public with my knowledge & know how (since 1992).

Donations by direct debit:

Donations by bank transfer:

Bank: Postbank Berlin
Recipient: GAY-TANTRA e.V.
IBAN: DE78 1001 0010 0943 6361 00
Subject: Appreciation and support

Important Note

Armin is head of the registered association GAY-TANTRA e.V. (11.02.2020, Amtsgericht Charlottenburg). The association is subject to tax exemption, ie: 100% of your donation goes to support Armin’s work and participants (Verein/Assosiation on your bank statement). However as the assosiation is is not a non-profit organization, donation receipts cannot be issued. All receipts are booked solely as voluntary appreciation and sponsorship.
It is also NOT possible to accept any payments for Armin’s retreats, coachings and through this account.

Armin and his students are very happy if you support us and we thank you very much for all donations!

Call for Donations

Your donations not only enable me to step out of the niche into the general public and offer huge knowledge & know how. You also give people who are not financially able, the opportunity to take advantage of these offers. With your donation you contribute to give these people new perspectives courage and hope. You make sure that they find the way to themselves with the diverse offers and learn how to master difficult situations in harmony with themselves and the environment.

If each of us gives a little, then through the cohesion of all, something great and wonderful can come into being.

I, Armin, also make my contribution to this. Of course I try to keep the price for couching, groups and other meetings as low as possible. This means that I do not charge for my time preparing courses and seminars, searching for suitable locations, traveling, handling the administrative organization and much more, so that I can give as many men as possible the opportunity to participate.

Unfortunately, my contribution alone is not enough and therefore I would like to ask you, the community, for support.

Help me to support participants financially and to give them a unique experience. Bring them together with me on the path of love.

Donations by direct debit

Donator's Details:

I hereby issue the SEPA direct debit mandate:

Creditors Identification Number: DE55ZZZ00000061447
Mandate reference number: Will be communicated separately!

SEPA Direct Debit Authorization:
I hereby authorize the payee to collect a one-off payment from my account by direct debit. At the same time, I instruct my bank to redeem the direct debit drawn on my account by the payee. Note: I can request reimbursement of the debited amount within eight weeks of the debit date. The conditions agreed with my bank apply.

Elberfelder Straße 37, 10555 Berlin, Deutschland
IBAN: DE78100100100943636100, BIC: PBNKDEFFXXX

This letter has been typed and is valid without signature. Please note: The deadline for the advance notification of the SEPA direct debit is reduced to one day.

Berlin, October 16, 2024, Armin Heining, 1st Chairman